EquuSport is proud to be a United States supplier for Poponcini Bits from Italy!

Pelham Harmony 1 Poponcini Harmony 3-Ring Bit

Giuseppe Poponcini is a highly renowned craftsman in various business fields connected to the world of mechanics. He has always had a passion for horse riding and he decided one day to give his son a horse as a present.

Being a very refined observer, he soon became aware of the fact that that horse could not stand any kind of mouthpiece.

He therefore decided to deepen his research about mouthpieces in order to be able to produce with his own hands a kind of mouthpiece, which could be suitable for his beloved horse.

After several attempts he succeeded in carrying out a really fantastic kind of mouthpiece! This mouthpiece enables the rider to give orders in a pleasant and harmonious way, and due to this reason, he decided to call them Harmony.  These are unique snaffle-bits which can become more or less rigid by changing their inner support device, and nevertheless are able to constantly keep their external softness.

You can see our current selection here


At EquuSport we always strive to find the highest quality and effectiveness in our horse bit partners. Bombers bits is no exception.

Bomber Nelson Gag with Blue PortMade in South Africa, Bombers has been developing quality equine products for over 30 years. They focus on providing innovative solutions to riders' challenging problems, particularly in the area of bitting. Their bits are of handmade quality with extreme attention to detail and testing by world renowned riders, has resulted in world-class horse bits.

Lastly, we get this question a lot... why are they blue? The Bomber Blue bit is made from a unique non-metal material which encourages salivation and is warm to the touch.

You can find our complete selection of bomber bits here.


We are now carrying Beris Bits  (pronounced "beers")!

Beris Loose Ring Butterfly Mouth

For those of you that are not familiar with Beris, they are the successor to Nathe. We use them in substitution for many of our Nathe bits that are no longer available.

The Mullen mouths are available in three versions, flexi, semi flexible and rigid.  The ported versions are semi flexible and rigid.

They are a German manufactured bit with a nice fit and finish.

You can see all of our Beris Bits here.

Flat rate shipping is available.

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